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1. в пространственном значении указывает на: 2. нахождение около какого-л. предмета 3. у, около at the door —- у двери at the table —- за столом, у стола 4. нахождение в каком-л. месте 5. на, в at my aunt's —- (в доме) у моей тетки at the factory —- на фабрике 6. нахождение в каком-л. географическом пункте, особ. небольшом 7. в, на at Elgin —- в Элгине at St. Helena —- на острове Св. Елены 8. достижение места назначения 9. к, на, в, до to arrive at one's destination —- прибыть к месту (на место) назначения to arrive at Manchester —- прибыть (приехать) в Манчестер 10. проникновение через дверь, калитку и т. п. 11. через, сквозь to come in at the front door —- войти через парадную дверь 12. при обозначении временных отношений указывает на какой-л. момент или период времени 13. в, на, при, по at two o'clock —- в два часа at dusk —- в сумерки at dawn —- на закате at night —- ночью at an appointed date —- в назначенный срок at present —- в настоящее время at one's arrival —- по прибытии at parting —- при расставании at the beginning of the twentieth century —- в начале двадцатого века 14. возраст 15. в at an early age —- в раннем возрасте at the age of 70, at 70 years of age —- в возрасте 70 лет 16. указывает на деятельность или процесс, часто связанные с нахождением в определенном месте 17. в, на, у, за at school —- в школе at Oxford —- в Оксфорде at the wheel —- за рулем, за штурвалом at the piano —- за роялем at the meeting —- на собрании at dinner —- за обедом 18. указывает на состояние 19. в, за, на at peace —- в мире at war —- в состоянии войны at rest —- в покое; без движения, неподвижный; мертвый at leisure —- на досуге at work —- за работой at table —- за едой, за обедом, ужином и т. п. 20. указывает на направленность действия 21. на, в, за to point at smb., smth. —- указывать на кого-л., на что-л. to look at smb., smth. —- смотреть на кого-л., на что-л. to throw smth. at smb. —- бросать что-л. в кого-л. to shoot at smb., smth. —- стрелять в кого-л., во что-л. (но промахнуться) to talk at smb. —- разговаривать с кем-л. агрессивно up and at them, boys! —- вперед, ребята, бей их! 22. указывает на образ действия 23. в, с, на at a flash —- в одно мгновение at intervals —- с промежутками, с перерывами, время от времени at a run —- бегом at a foot's pace —- шагом 24. указывает на причину 25. при, по, на at the sign —- по знаку at smb.'s request —- по чьей-л. просьбе to be angry at smth. —- злиться на что-л. surprise at smth. —- удивление по поводу чего-л. he was pleased at hearing the news —- он обрадовался, услышав новость 26. указывает на количество, меру, цену 27. при, на, по, с, в at 90 Fahrenheit —- при 90 по Фаренгейту at 2 pounds a dozen —- по два фунта за дюжину at a speed of 25 km —- со скоростью 25 км 28. указывает на предмет занятий 29. над, в to work at smth. —- трудиться над чем-л., заниматься чем-л. he is working at physics —- он занимается физикой what are you at? —- разг. чем вы занимаетесь? что вы делаете? he is hard at it —- он за это взялся серьезно, он усиленно работает над этим 30. сферу проявления способностей 31. к good at langauges —- способный к языкам he is quick at understanding —- он сообразителен 32. в сочетаниях 33. at that 34. к тому же he lost his umbrella and a new one at that —- он потерял зонт, да еще новый к тому же 35. на том let it go at that —- на том мы и покончим 36. даже так at that you can make good profit —- даже так (при этих условиях) вы можете выиграть (выгадать)
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См. в других словарях

  one dash с одного раза AT one fling одним ударом, сразу AT one gulp одним глотком, залпом; сразу AT one scoop одним взмахом AT ones cost за чей-л. счет AT ones elbow под рукой; рядом AT par по номиналу AT parting на прощание AT pause в нерешительности, неподвижно; молча AT pawn в закладе AT point готовый (к чему-л.) AT railway speed очень быстро AT second hand из вторых рук; по чьим-л. словам AT short notice немедленно AT that rate в таком случае; при таких условиях AT the cross-roads на распутье AT the direction по указанию, по распоряжению AT the double мигом, бегом AT the flood в удобный, благоприятный момент AT the heart of в основе AT the heel of под игом AT the outset вначале; AT the pawnbrokers в ломбарде AT the present writing в то время, когда пишутся эти строки AT this conjuncture в сложившихся условиях AT this rate в таком случае; при таких условиях AT trot рысью, на рысях AT wholesale amer. оптом; в больших количествах AT will по желанию, как угодно AT your convenience как или когда вам будет удобно AT your desire по вашей просьбе AT large  а) на свободе; на просторе; he will soon be at large он скоро будет на свободе;  б) пространно, подробно, детально; to go into the question at large входить в подробное рассмотрение вопроса;  в) во всем объеме, целиком; popular with the people at large популярный среди широких слоев;  г) без...
Англо-русский словарь
  administrative trainee администратор-стажер anti tank4 противотанковый Appalachian Trial шлейф Аппалачей ...
Англо-русский словарь идиом
  сущ. ат (разменная монета Лаоса) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  I сокр. от Abel closed tester аппарат Абель-Пенского для определения температуры вспышки нефтепродуктов II сокр. от acid treatment кислотная обработка (пласта) III сокр. от after treatment после обработки IV сокр. от air temperature температура воздуха V сокр. от all thread с резьбой, по всей резьбе VI сокр. от automatic translation автоматический перевод at atmosphere атмосфера VII сокр. от height above touch-down относительная высота над точкой приземления ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  unstressed prep. 1 expressing position, exact or approximate (wait at the corner; at the top of the hill; met at Bath; is at school; at a distance). 2 expressing a point in time (see you at three; went at dawn). 3 expressing a point in a scale or range (at boiling-point; at his best). 4 expressing engagement or concern in a state or activity (at war; at work; at odds). 5 expressing a value or rate (sell at {pound}10 each). 6 a with or with reference to; in terms of (at a disadvantage; annoyed at losing; good at cricket; play at fighting; sick at heart; came at a run; at short notice; work at it). b by means of (starts at a touch; drank it at a gulp). 7 expressing: a motion towards (arrived at the station; went at them). b aim towards or pursuit of (physically or conceptually) (aim at the target; work at a solution; guess at the truth; laughed at us; has been at the milk again). Phrases and idioms at all see ALL. at hand see HAND. at home see HOME. at it 1 engaged in an activity; working hard. 2 colloq. repeating a habitual (usu. disapproved of) activity (found them at it again). at once see ONCE. at that moreover (found one, and a good one at that). at times see TIME. where it's at sl. the fashionable scene or activity. Etymology: OE {aelig}t, rel. to L ad to AT symb. Chem. the element astatine. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. preposition  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ?t; akin to Old High German az ~, L~in ad  D~e: before 12th century  1. — used as a function word to indic~e presence or occurrence in, on, or near staying ~ a hotel ~ a party sick ~ heart  2. — used as a function word to indic~e the goal of an indic~ed or implied action or motion aim ~ the target creditors are ~ him again  3. — used as a function word to indic~e th~ with which one is occupied or employed ~ work ~ the controls good ~ chess  4. — used as a function word to indic~e situ~ion in an active or passive st~e or condition ~ liberty ~ rest  5. — used as a function word to indic~e the means, cause, or manner sold ~ auction laughed ~ my joke act ~ your own discretion  6.  a. — used as a function word to indic~e the r~e, degree, or position in a scale or series the temper~ure ~ 90 ~ first  b. — used as a function word to indic~e age or position in time will retire ~ 65  II. noun  also ~t  (plural ~; also ~t)  Etymology: Lao  D~e: 1955 — see kip ~ money table  III. abbrevi~ion  1. airtight  2. ~mosphere  3. ~omic AT  abbreviation  1. air temperature  2. ampere-turn  3. automatic transmission ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: In addition to the uses shown below, 'at' is used after some verbs, nouns, and adjectives to introduce extra information. 'At' is also used in phrasal verbs such as ‘keep on at’ and ‘play at’. 1. You use at to indicate the place or event where something happens or is situated. We had dinner at a restaurant in Attleborough... I didn’t like being alone at home... Hamstrings are supporting muscles at the back of the thigh... The announcement was made at a news conference in Peking. PREP 2. If someone is at school or college, or at a particular school or college, they go there regularly to study. He was shy and nervous as a boy, and unhappy at school... I majored in psychology at Hunter College. PREP 3. If you are at something such as a table, a door, or someone’s side, you are next to it or them. Graham was already at the door... At his side was a beautiful young woman... He gave the girl at the desk the message. PREP 4. When you are describing where someone or something is, you can say that they are at a certain distance. You can also say that one thing is at an angle in relation to another thing. The two journalists followed at a discreet distance... The tree was leaning at a low angle from the ground. PREP 5. If something happens at a particular time, that is the time when it happens or begins to happen. The funeral will be carried out this afternoon at 3.00... He only sees her at Christmas and Easter. PREP 6. If you do something at a particular age, you do it when you are that age. Blake emigrated to Australia with his family at 13... Mary Martin has died at her home in California at the age of seventy-six. PREP 7. You use at to express a rate, frequency, level, or price. I drove back down the highway at normal speed... Check the oil at regular intervals, and have the car serviced regularly... The submarine lies at a depth of 6,000 feet in the Barents Sea. PREP 8. You use...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ prep 1 used to show a point in space where someone or something is, or where an event is happening  (We'll meet at my house. | a huge queue at the bus stop. | They sat down at a corner table. | at Jack's/Sue's etc (=at Jack's house, Sue's house etc))  (Pete's round at Mel's.) at the doctor's/the bank/the airport etc (=at a place you go to for a particular purpose)  (Guess who I met at the dentist's?) 2 at a party/club/funeral etc at an event while it is taking place  (I met my wife at a disco. | They're all out at the cinema.) 3 at school/work etc regularly going to school, work etc  (Is Jessica still at school? (=does she go to school regularly)) 4 at lunch/dinner etc eating your lunch, dinner etc  (I'm sorry, Pam's at lunch just now.) 5 used to show an exact time  (The film starts at 8 o'clock. | at the moment (=now))  (We're really busy at the moment.) 6 used to show a particular period of time during which something happens  (My husband often works at night. | We like to go to Midnight Mass at Christmas.) 7 used to show the person or thing that an action is directed or aimed at  (Protesters threw rotten eggs at the speakers. | Jake shot at the deer but missed. | Look at that! | Stop shouting at the kids all the time.) 8 used to show the thing that caused an action or feeling  (The children all laughed at his jokes. | I'm surprised at you! | Dad got really mad at me for scratching the car.) 9 used to show the subject or activity that you are considering when making a judgment about someone's ability  (Barbara's getting on really well at her new job. | Rosa's a genius at chemistry. | good/bad etc at (doing) sth)  (Luis was always good at maths. | Matt's bad at handling people.) 10 used to show a continuous state or activity  (two nations at war | Many children are still at risk from neglect or abuse. | Granny's at peace now (=dead) | at large (=if someone or something dangerous is at large they are in a particular area and may harm or kill someone))  (rumours of a black panther at large) 11 used to show a price,...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Anterior tibial physiol. abbr. Atlas physiol. abbr. Anaerobic Threshold UN abbr. Absolute Terror NASA abbr. Acceptance Testing U.S. gov. abbr. Anti Tank transport. abbr. Air Traffic FBI files abbr. Atlanta Field Office mil. abbr. Acquisition Team mil. abbr. Absolute Terror mil. abbr. Alert Time mil. abbr. Access Type mil. abbr. Acceptance Test mil. abbr. Annual Training mil. abbr. Anti Tank country abbr. Austria chemis. abbr. Astatine geol. abbr. All Terrain gen. comp. abbr. Advanced Technology network. abbr. Automatic Transmission telec. abbr. Attention Command telec. abbr. Access Terminal educ. abbr. Accessible Technology sport abbr. Arranged Team gen. bus. abbr. Ataxia Telangiectasia NYSE symbols Alltel Corporation int. bus. abbr. Anti-Terriorism firm name abbr. Alpine Touring account. abbr. After Tax chat abbr. Alt Tasteless ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. жt, from P.Gmc., from PIE *ad- "to, near, at." Akin to L. ad- "to." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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